Pelican Rouge: Traceable and Transparent Sourcing

We are committed to building meaningful trading relations with our partners and farmers through our long-term collaboration and agreements.

Coffee Farmer Colombia LR_mirror.png
Coffee Farmer Colombia LR_mirror.png

We are interested in where coffee comes from, who grows it, and how it gets from farm to cup:

  • Provide transparency regarding coffee sourcing aspects and farm programs
  • Transition to long-term sourcing from farms where we run farm-level programs

Traceability Systems

Through our partnerships with platforms such as Beyco— a global independent coffee connection and trading platform on blockchain and Rainforest Alliance and Fairtrade archives, we trace Pelican Rouge coffee back to its origin. We collaborate with multiple partners such as traders, cooperatives, washing stations or even individual smallholder farms to increase supply chain visibility.

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Our solutions are ideal for medium to large companies with over 100 employees plus universities, hospitals, hotels, and leisure facilities throughout the UK and Republic of Ireland. We also support cafés and retailers serving over 25 hot beverages a day. To ensure we recommend the best-fit solution, we take the time to understand your unique needs and preferences, rather than offering a standard price list.