Pelican Rouge: Coffee Farm-Level Programs

We run programs directly with farmers we are sourcing from to improve their livelihoods and the environmental and social impact of the coffee farms. We do this in partnership with farmers, farmer coops, exporters, traders, NGOs, local civil society organizations, and other subject matter experts to secure continuation and impact in our key areas of origin.

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Red Coffee bean branch 2 LR.png

We are committed to supporting coffee farmers in our sourcing areas


  • We have supported approx. 800 farmers across the globe
  • Run farm community programs in our top five sourcing areas

Farmer-community based programs

Currently, coffee farmers live in uncertainty. The health of their crops and their incomes are under permanent threat due to price fluctuation and climate change, among other factors. We support and are actively involved in farmer-centred programs as we believe that a sustainable and stable coffee supply chain benefits all actors. We provide farmers with opportunities to develop professionally and have the ability and resources to transition to climate resilient farming. 

Therefore, we focus on these highly interlinked impact areas:


We ensure coffee contributes to improved working conditions, income, yield, and profitability for coffee growers. This is done through climate resilience farming training, improved farm management practices, and farm diversification strategies.


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We focus on safeguarding human rights in our sourcing areas. This includes building the foundation for gender equality and woman empowerment as well as supporting initiatives that prevent child labour in coffee fields.



The Selecta Coffee Fund embraces regenerative agriculture and agroforestry approaches to restore, protect, and maintain natural resources such as water, soil, and biodiversity. To us, healthy soils maintain healthy coffee trees, yield, and coffee quality for the long-term.


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The farm-level programs focus on climate adaptation and mitigation through carbon reduction and removals. We actively align our farm-level programs with the COP26 deforestation pledge to identify areas where coffee represent a risk or an opportunity to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.




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Our solutions are ideal for medium to large companies with over 100 employees plus universities, hospitals, hotels, and leisure facilities throughout the UK and Republic of Ireland. We also support cafés and retailers serving over 25 hot beverages a day. To ensure we recommend the best-fit solution, we take the time to understand your unique needs and preferences, rather than offering a standard price list.