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Carbon neutral future

Pioneering the fight against climate change: achieving CO2 neutrality for our service


Net-zero carbon emissions & carbon offset and removal

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Broadening horizons for a carbon-neutral future

Selecta is deepening its commitment to environmental stewardship by targeting net-zero carbon emissions across our entire supply chain, known as Scope 3. This category extends beyond direct operations, encompassing all indirect emissions that occur in the value chain, including upstream and downstream activities such as sourcing of materials, production by third parties, and the use and end-of-life treatment of sold products.

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Conscious contributions to climate action

To counterbalance our carbon footprint, we are investing in carbon offset and removal projects specifically within the coffee industry. These initiatives are carefully selected for their positive impact on the environment, ranging from reforestation to supporting renewable energy projects, all tailored to reduce emissions within the lifecycle of coffee production and distribution.

Carbon neutrality, renewable energy & enhancing effiency

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Direct action for a greener tomorrow

At Selecta, we're setting a decisive target to reach carbon neutrality within our direct operations by the year 2030. Scopes 1 and 2 encompass all direct greenhouse gas emissions from our facilities and indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy. Our roadmap to neutrality is a pledge to our planet and future generations.

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Harnessing clean power for operational excellence

Our strategy is two-fold: to incorporate renewable energy sources into our operational fabric and to elevate energy efficiency to new heights. By embracing renewables, we're not only reducing emissions but also driving innovation within our industry.

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Transparent reporting for trustworthy impact

As we advance in our sustainability journey, we maintain transparency in our achievements.
While we continue to refine our strategies and numbers evolve, our resolve remains steadfast. Every step we take towards reducing emissions in our supply chain is a step towards a more sustainable and responsible future.

Reduction achievements:

We monitor and report the percentage reduction in carbon emissions from our base year, demonstrating progress and commitment to our goals.

Total tons reduced:

Our efforts have successfully led to a quantifiable reduction in total tons of carbon emissions, contributing to our mission of a reduced carbon footprint.

Carbon intensity measurement:

By calculating the carbon intensity (tCO2e/M€), we can evaluate the effectiveness of our sustainability initiatives in relation to our economic output, ensuring that our growth does not come at the expense of the planet.

Quantifying our progress towards a net-zero footprint

We commit to transparency in our sustainability journey, regularly monitoring and reporting our progress. Our benchmarks are set to ensure we achieve significant reductions in carbon emissions within scopes 1 and 2. These milestones reflect our dedication to making measurable strides in our energy use and highlight the effectiveness of our ongoing initiatives.

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Please note

Our solutions are ideal for medium to large companies with over 100 employees plus universities, hospitals, hotels, and leisure facilities throughout the UK and Republic of Ireland. We also support cafés and retailers serving over 25 hot beverages a day. To ensure we recommend the best-fit solution, we take the time to understand your unique needs and preferences, rather than offering a standard price list.