Jura X6

The Jura X6 expertly prepares a full range of coffee classics from ristretto and espresso to café crème. This coffee machine is the ideal solution for locations where approximately 80 speciality coffees are consumed per day.

  • Getränke in Barista-Qualität
  • Platzsparend
  • TÜV-zertifizierte Hygienegarantie
  • Kaffee & Heissgetränke
  • Kaffeemaschinen für das Büro
  • Selbstbedienung
  • Für Tischoberflächen
  • In geschlossenen Räumen
  • Bean-to-Cup-Kaffee
  • Espresso
  • Kaffeespezialitäten
  • Kakao
  • Heisses Wasser
Technische Spezifikationen

Wherever black coffee specialties are favored, pots of coffee are prepared professionally, and hot water is provided for tea at two different temperature levels, the X6 really comes into its own. Its clearly understandable operating concept is particularly convincing where it is operated by staff or by guests themselves. Of course, the display position of all coffee specialties can be changed on the X6. With its large water tank and a retrofittable, stable fresh water kit, the X6 is just as suitable for mobile use as it is for fixed locations.

Key features

Sleek design


Customisable drinks
Optional payment systems
Easy cleaning
Great value

470 mm
373 mm
461 mm

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